Passion | Good Friday | Easter

Passion Week: He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!

Holy Passion Week! Happy Good Friday! Happy Easter!

What is so GOOD about Good Friday, you ask? How could something so horrible as crucifixion be Good? As Christians around the world reflect on and celebrate Good Friday, some may be wondering, “what’s so Good about dying a horrible, agonizing death?”

The answer is that the death of Jesus of Nazareth on a Roman cross brought forth something Good that mere men could not do on their own: the restoration of our relationship with a Holy God which had been broken because of our sin, starting with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Jesus, the final Passover Lamb, took sin upon Himself and freed mankind from the slavery of sin. No more Temple sacrifices were needed. He was the final, ultimate sacrifice for all sin as the Spotless Lamb of God. Now, that is GOOD!

And the truly Good part of it all, is that this forgiveness of sin is offered to everyone, Jew and Gentile, by turning away (repenting) from sin and acknowledging His sacrificial act on the cross and His victory over death through His resurrection three days later, just as He prophesied. That’s not just good, that is Great!

Now, you may ask, “Why do Christians say, ‘He is Risen; He is Risen, indeed?'”

Because of the empty tomb. Jesus has risen from the dead! He is alive! He was crucified for sin, but just as He prophesied, he was raised in three days.

No other religion claims a risen savior. No other religion has an empty tomb. To learn more about Jesus and Christianity, you’ll find good information here.

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